Thursday, August 22, 2013

35 by 35! #13

Happy Thursday, friends!  This past week has been absolutely wonderful! So thrilled to share it with you all, along with a fiber-packed sweet treat, and encouragement to view your choices in a positive light!  Let's get right to it...
After fourteen days of stepping on the scale and seeing no progress there, I've lost 4 pounds this week! I am praising God for allowing my body to function well and shed this unhealthy & unwanted extra weight!  If you've hit a plateau, please don't get discouraged. I know each day that the scale doesn't move when you're working hard towards a goal can feel like a month, but keep working and making smart choices. Your health is worth it!  Plateaus end, and when they do the results you begin to see seem that much more rewarding for having anticipated them a bit longer!

As happy as I am about finally seeing that number on the scale drop, I think I'm even happier about the changes in my thoughts and perspective!  What originally started out as a goal to hit a certain number on the scale and fit back into a certain size, has become a quest for health.  My favorite part of the grocery store has shifted from the inside aisles (where all the cookies, chips, and pop can be found), to the produce section! I'm actually still pretty surprised by that one! Ha! Also, while grocery shopping I'm now not only examining product labels for calories, but am actually taking a good look at the ingredients in the product before purchasing it.  In the past when I've tried to lose weight I only cared about how many calories/Weight Watchers points it was.  I now care more about how good this food actually is for my body.  Rather than eating a bunch of 50-calorie cookies, I'd prefer to use my daily allowance of food on items that will provide my body with nourishment and give me the energy I need.  It's a whole new way of thinking for me, and I like it! ;)

Food Find:

Need a sweet treat? Before you reach for a candy bar, check this out!  This bar is not only delicious, it'll also give you 35% of your daily fiber, as well as 20% of antioxidants zinc and Vitamin E.  It's the not-so-bad way for you to indulge a sweet tooth every now and then. ;)  One bar is 130 calories, 5 grams fat, and a whopping 9 grams of fiber! (If you follow the Weight Watcher's plan, they're 2 old WW pts, 3 WW Pts+)  Compared to a Snickers bar at 250 calories, 12 grams of fat, and minimal fiber, I think this is a "sweet" option!

Also, remember that sharing is caring.  While playing a game with my kids earlier this week, I cut one of these bars into three pieces for us to share.  We each got a "fun size" treat at only 43 calories and 3 grams of fiber!  Sounds much better than a mini candy bar to me!  

Tip of the Week:
Speaking of sweet temptations, how do you handle them?  Putting things into a healthy perspective will make a huge difference in your mindset and your progress.

A lot of times when people are trying to lose weight they automatically fall into the "diet" mindset.  I can't have that. Instead of feeling like you're left out or deprived, take a moment to really think about why you aren't reaching for the donut or grease-dripping, fatty fried food.  Is it really only because you can't have it, or is it because you are making a healthier decision? 

When you're tempted to go to that "I can't" place or someone else says, "Oh, you're 'dieting' so you can't have...", remember that's not the case.  When you trap yourself in the "I can't" mindset you are missing the fact that you control what you eat.  You can have every last thing at that dessert buffet if you choose to, or you can simply make the choice that your health is more important than a sugar rush.  It's always your call.  It's a freeing thought that's brought me much joy this week.

Take a moment to think on the fact that you're not depriving yourself when you pass on an unhealthy choice.  You're doing quite the opposite!  Each healthy choice you make gets you one step closer to a healthier you!  I don't know about you, but I choose health over fried foods.  I choose to have energy over junk food.  I choose to work hard to lose this extra weight and Lord willing, I will.  I'm not saying that I won't eat a dessert on vacation, or have a piece of pie on Thanksgiving, but I am saying that I control when, where, and why I make the choices that I make, and so do you.  Let's choose wisely. ;)

Have a fabulous upcoming weekend, friends!  

REMINDER: My comments section is officially a CHEERING SECTION on Thursdays!  Let's cheer each other on, friends!  I'd love to hear how you're doing too!  Struggles, triumphs, things you've found helpful...feel free to share!  The interactions I've had with each of you who've  sent me comments/messages have served as an incredible inspiration and encouragement! THANK YOU!!!

Need some new light and delicious recipes?  
Check out my Pinboard:  Delicious Ways to Shrink.  

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1 comment:

  1. Congrats girlie! I've plateau for so long. But I have been working out hard and my friends say that It looks like my waist has shrunk. So I'm going with gaining muscle ... lol


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