
Friday, May 30, 2014

Five Loves on Friday!

1.  Princess' Half-Birthday!
Princess is officially 12 1/2 years old!  (How can she possibly be this close to becoming a teenager already?!)  We declared last night a celebratory girls night in honor of this special occasion.  After Jason and Little One headed to bed we enjoyed some really fun one on one time together!  We baked her favorite Ooey Gooey Minterrific Brownies and watched a Disney channel movie, Cloud 9, on Netflix. I cherish these moments more than words can express!

Click  HERE for the recipe!

2.  Little One's Handmade Game

This week Little One created her very own (card)board game, "Woof! Meow!".  It's her spin on checkers played with some unique rules.  I absolutely adore her creativity and love the attention to detail she put into each game piece she crafted with care.  It's a pretty fun game too! ;)

3.  Vinyl Goodness

This week I converted a magazine rack into record storage and placed it in front of our fireplace so we could easily enjoy listening to those classics more often.  I LOVE the crisp sound of vinyl, adore every lit'l crackle, and have so enjoyed the fantastic songs in our record collection!  Little One has been having a great time listening to my childhood favorites like Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake, Smurfs, Barbie, countless Disney albums, and OF COURSE, Michael Jackson!  (I have "Off the Wall" and "Thriller"!)  Personally, I cannot get enough of Ella Fitzgerald and Louie Armstrong.  Homes that are filled with music are happy ones!

Having Jason home Monday pretty much made it the best weekend EVER!!  It was filled with good food, great fun, and much laughter!  I am so grateful to God for the blessing of family!

Speaking of family... Wednesday my parents celebrated their 38th Wedding Anniversary!  Those high school sweethearts will be together forever! 

Congrats, Mom & Dad!  Love you both so much!  

...and now for more celebratory goodness...

5.  TODAY is my niece's birthday!
Enjoy a fabulous day celebrating, Ari!

Thanks for visiting today, friends!  Have a fabulous weekend!

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Linking up with:
The Diary of a Real Housewife | Friday Favorites

...If you're visiting from one of these link ups, be sure to say, "Hello!"  
I'd love to come check out your Friday 5 too! ;)


  1. Happy half birthday to your sweet daughter!!! Those minterrific brownies look amazing, Brenda! I'm super impressed that you daughter made the board game. She must be really creative! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend!! XOXO

  2. THOSE BROWNIES!!!! I will be trying them. They look DELICIOUS!

  3. I may bake those terrific brownies, they look sooo good! Eating a piece of those brownies while playing "Woof! Meow!" and listening to a Michael Jackson vinyl sounds like a perfect night to me! Have a very nice weekend with your lovely family! :)

  4. You have amazing kids!! How great to spend time with your older daughter and your little one is so creative!! Happy anniversary to your parents! Mine have been married 38 years this year, too!

  5. I love the name Ari, is it a nickname or her name name? I first heard it for a boy air-ee. I couldn't get my husband on board with that one, but we have a girl anyways.
    yay for half birthdays! So is her birthday right at the end of November? Aria's birthday is Dec 2nd and her half birthday is Monday! I was thinking of making cake batter cookies, yum. Those brownies look REALLY good though!
    I looove making game boards in school, what a fun idea! Vinyl - old school! I have some Monkees albums and maybe a Beatles or two. But, I agree music makes a happy family. I like to put on some classical CDs my father in law sent for Aria in the mornings. Or, Christmas music at least 7 months of the year =)
    Is your dad's hair still that long?! Happy 38 years for sure!

  6. I still have some vinyl - just wish I had a record player to play them on. I mostly have the Beatles and my old Disney stories (I have a Snow White one too - it opens up and there's a storybook).
    Ahhh - good 'ol Michael Jackson. You know what's funny? I've been listening to some old school MJ lately. :)
    Love Little One's game - especially the name!
    Happy Half Birthday to Princess!

  7. As a big kid at heart I watch Disney Channel a lot. I loved Cloud 9 when it came on. My stereo has a record player on it and I played a lot of 45's. It no longer works so now I jam out with my growing cd collection. Happy half birthday to Princess. I hope that she had a fun day. I hope that you all have an awesome weekend.

  8. Happy Anniversary to your parents! Isn't it fun to look back at old photos like that? Also, I had to laugh when I saw the records. I had that exact Michael Jackson one when I was little and I had a little Fisher Price record player to play it on. I thought it was the coolest thing ever!

  9. I am obsessed with "Woof! Meow!" - so creative! And happy half birthday to Princess - it sounds like a really special night of mother daughter bonding :)

  10. Ahh Happy Anniversary to your parents and Happy Bday to your Niece.

    I so want a bite, I'm dying right now :)


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